Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I Will What I Will

When looking at what may or may not happen in life it is important to set goals. These are mine. Sometimes they may be personal, but sharing your goals is one of the first steps to accomplishing them.

There are seven vision categories.

1) Financial
2) Business / Career / Academic
3) Fun Time / Recreation
4) Health & Fitness
5) Relationships
6) Personal
7) Contribution (Legacy)

Under each link, you can find my goals for each category and follow links to read about what I did or am doing to try to accomplish these goals.

Of course, if you have any suggestions or think you might be able to help, don't hesitate to leave a comment.


Jade Booth said...

Looks like you've created a set of challenging yet achievable goals. It has inspired me to be a little bit more proactive with the direction of other aspects of my life. :)

Huu Huynh said...

How about try to take over the world?
'The greatest satisfaction comes from the greatest of achievements.'

iamthatguy said...

sounds like you have a capitalist approach keep up the good work... Down with the commmies!

Rod Abson said...

Hi Ashley,
I saw your blog from the GK inCircle site. I like the look of your goals and it sounds like you've got an interesting life mapped out ahead.

Many of your goals align well with my own, though I've not quite put them into such a list. I'm an Australian currently living in Switzerland and had volunteered in Thailand before this, so understand the interest in volunteering and working towards doing something better with our time on the Earth.

All the best for the future. I'd recommend you add Australia onto your list of travel destinations too! ;)

If you'd like to see my blog it's at:



TRD said...

Great goals and great setup. I bet if more people broke down there goals and dreams into a list...a list that is would probably be more likely to happen. Good luck with everything!
