Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I Will What I Will

When looking at what may or may not happen in life it is important to set goals. These are mine. Sometimes they may be personal, but sharing your goals is one of the first steps to accomplishing them.

There are seven vision categories.

1) Financial
2) Business / Career / Academic
3) Fun Time / Recreation
4) Health & Fitness
5) Relationships
6) Personal
7) Contribution (Legacy)

Under each link, you can find my goals for each category and follow links to read about what I did or am doing to try to accomplish these goals.

Of course, if you have any suggestions or think you might be able to help, don't hesitate to leave a comment.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Another realization

Something I realized today is that our jobs become much easier to do when we stop thinking about them as jobs. The people who we sometimes see as "working" in jobs like giving wilderness tours, writing, cooking, anything really, may have simply found themselves making money while they went about the process of living their lives by their own rules.

Decide what you need. What things must be present in your life to equate success? For me, these are generally food, shelter, access to a community of some sorts, and time to be pursuing my own projects. Once you figure out what you need, evaluate your current state. Is anything missing? Are there a lot of other things that surround you that are holding you back? For me this process reminds me that I can live one step at a time, always confident that the right opportunities will show up when their needed and that there will be things that provide for these needs in the future.